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trifle 1 noun Definition pictures pronunciation and usage

Worthless signifies a feeling that carries little importance. This term is often used to describe whatever that lacks meaning. It indicates an condition in emptiness or insignificance.
Worthless is also considered synonymous with worthlessness. It can describe the situation that is devoid of significance or substance. When used in individual context, trife can furthermore indicate an feeling of despair or dejection. Inherent emotions of worthlessness might cause sorrow and an lack of inspiration.
Pointless experiences can leave persons feeling confused or without direction. Within such periods, it is essential to look for significance or discover novel paths to revive hope. Nonetheless, defeating meaninglessness necessitates self-examination and a reassessment of priorities. By discovering meaning inside worthlessness, an individual may regain an awareness of satisfaction and orientation.

trifle WordReferencecom Dictionary of English
strife Traduction en français exemples anglais
|Jul 07, 2024
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